Results for 'Mulela Margaret Munalula'

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  1.  18
    Rethinking the Right to Procreate: An African Imperative.Mulela Margaret Munalula - 2012 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 13 (1):303-322.
    I argue in this Article that our right to procreate should be balanced against the survival rights of the procreated children and against the right not to suffer an undue burden of those, whether near or far, who share the world with us. I observe that the African environment with its strong cultural values promotes the rapid rate of procreation on the continent and I find in the “best interests of the child principle” the most acceptable means of challenging the (...)
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    Writing the Voyage of Scientific Exploration: The Logbooks, Journals and Notes of the Baudin Expedition (1800–1804).Margaret Sankey - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):401-413.
    The 1800?4 scientific expedition that was commissioned by Bonaparte and captained by Nicolas Baudin was a vast note?producing machine. Recording information in the form of notes was indeed its mode of being. The expedition, conceived in the late eighteenth century, represents in its scope and achievements Enlightenment knowledge?gathering at its most ambitious: the exhaustive collection, measurement, description and classification of objects of the natural world. Aiming at encyclopædic inclusiveness and at the same time seeking accurate knowledge, the achievements of the (...)
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  3. Defining the post-modern.Margaret Rose - 1992 - In Charles Jencks, The Post-modern reader. New York: St. Martin' Press. pp. 119--136.
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    Dialectal analysis and linguistically composite texts in Middle English.Margaret Laing - 1988 - Speculum 63 (1):83-103.
    In recent years students of medieval literature and its history have begun increasingly to appreciate the value of their primary source materials — the manuscripts. Editors of Middle English texts are less apt nowadays, having found their “best text,” to jettison as worthless all other surviving copies and renderings of it. It is recognized that a “corrupt” text may reflect the activity of a contemporary editor, critic, or adapter rather than that of a merely careless copyist. Medieval scribes, whether professional (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Cooperation and competition among primitive peoples.Margaret Mead (ed.) - 1937 - London: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
    Preface, by Margaret Mead -- Introduction, by Margaret Mead -- The Arapesh of New Guinea, by Margaret Mead -- The Eskimo of Greenland, by Jeannette Mirsky -- The Ojibwa of Canada, by Ruth Landes -- The Bachiga of East Africa, by May M. Edel -- The Ifugao of the Philippine Islands, by I. Goldman -- The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island, by I. Goldman -- The Manus of the Admiralty Islands, by Margaret Mead -- The Iroquois, by (...)
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    Rabies and the city: Jessica Wang: Mad dogs and other New Yorkers: Rabies, medicine and society in an American metropolis, 1840–1920. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019, xvii + 322pp, $54.95 HB; $54.95 Ebook.Margaret Humphreys - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):217-220.
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    Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution. Lisa Jardine.Margaret Jacob - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):179-180.
  8. Racism, Sexism, and Olive Schreiner's Fiction.Margaret Lenta - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    The Transformation of Agrarian Institutions: An Introduction and Perspective.Margaret Levi - 1988 - Politics and Society 16 (2-3):159-169.
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    National crisis and national government. British politics, the economy and empire, 1926–1932.Margaret A. Majumdar - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (2):294-295.
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    Beyond the centaur: imagining the intelligent body.Margaret R. Miles - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Beyond the Centaur questions the accuracy and usefulness of the virtually unquestioned ancient consensus that persons are composed of unequally valued, hierarchically stacked antagonistic components, usually soul or mind and body. Part I explores the gradual historical development of this notion of person. Part II consists of a thought experiment, examining an understanding of persons, not as stacked components, but as intelligent bodies -- one entity. It explores how a new understanding of persons can affect in important and fruitful ways (...)
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  12.  38
    Is Canada Entitled to the Arctic?Margaret Moore - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (1):98-113.
    This article is interested in the general question of what justifies territorial rights over unoccupied places, including places that are not occupied but are situated within the territorial borders of a state. This question arises because one of the most common defenses of rights over territory makes use of the idea of occupancy and has difficulty explaining such rights in places that are not occupied. It explores this question through an examination of the claims and arguments in the Canadian Arctic, (...)
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    Rawls and the Abstract Contract.Margaret Moore - 1993 - In Foundations of Liberalism. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter examines Rawls's argument in A Theory of Justice, which attempts to derive liberal rights and rules of justice from an original position or contract among people denied full knowledge of their identities. This chapter examines problems relating to the derivation of principles from the original position, the conception of the original position itself, and the relation of self‐interest to the capacity of justice.
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    The Victorian Spirit.Margaret Jourdain - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (3):364.
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    (1 other version)From Hell to Happiness.Margaret Kaeter - 1993 - Business Ethics 7 (4):22-26.
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    (1 other version)The Fifth Annual Business Ethics Awards.Margaret Kaeter - 1993 - Business Ethics 7 (6):26-29.
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    Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women's Philosophical Thought ed. by Eileen O'Neill and Marcy Lascano.Margaret Atherton - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (3):628-629.
    This book, a collection of articles on women's contributions to the history of philosophy, can accurately be described as long-awaited. Originally conceived in, I gather, roughly its present form in 2006, it is now finally in 2019 reaching the light of day. Although unavoidable delays are always a pity, in this case the result is certainly worth the wait, and the significantly high quality of the volume has not been undercut by its belated appearance. In 2006, the editors secured contributions (...)
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  18. Thomas A. Preston.Margaret Smithpeter Battaglia - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):4-5.
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    The Role of Teacher Research in Continuing Professional Development.Margaret Kirkwood & Donald Christie - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (4):429-448.
    This article sets out to examine the role of teacher research and enquiry in the professional development of teachers. The context derives from the initiative of the Scottish Executive to enhance the status and working conditions of teachers. We consider the extent to which continuing professional development activities arising out of the Chartered Teacher Programme encourage teachers to value research, equip them to become research-minded and support them to engage in research and enquiry in their own professional contexts.
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  20. When children are wanted.Margaret Sanger - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick, This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    A radically democratic response to global governance: dystopian utopias.Margaret Stout - 2016 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Jeannine M. Love.
    This book presents a critique of dominant governance theories grounded in an understanding of existence as a static, discrete, mechanistic process, while also identifying the failures of theories that assume dynamic alternatives of either a radically collectivist or individualist nature. Relationships between ontology and governance practices are established, drawing upon a wide range of social, political, and administrative theory. Employing the ideal-type method and dialectical analysis to establish meanings, the authors develop a typology of four dominant approaches to governance. The (...)
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    Notes and news.Margaret B. Sutherland - 1975 - British Journal of Educational Studies 23 (2):225-227.
  23. Living Beyond the “End of the World”: A Spirituality of Hope.Margaret Swedish - 2008
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  24. Regulating the family.Margaret M. Coady & C. A. J. Coady - 2003 - In Kim Chong Chong, Sor-Hoon Tan & C. L. Ten, The moral circle and the self: Chinese and Western approaches. Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
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  25. Engendering [In]Security and Terror: On the Protection Racket of Security States.Margaret Denike - 2009 - In Ann Ferguson & Mechtild Nagel, Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young. New York: Oup Usa.
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    (1 other version)Did Morality First Evolve in Homo erectus?Rappaport Margaret Boone & S. J. Christopher Corbally - 2016 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 61:105-131.
    With findings from cognitive science, neuroscience, information science, and paleoanthropology, an anthropologist and astronomer-priest team take a new look at the nature of morality, and suggest parameters that are often very different from the philosophical and theological literatures. They see morality as a biologically-based arbitration mechanism that works along a timeline with a valence of good to bad. It is rational, purposeful, social, and affected by emotion but not dominated by it. The authors examine the age and sex structure, family (...)
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  27. The Idea of the "Sol lustitiae" in Heine's 'Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen'.Margaret Rose - 1978 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 52 (4):604-618.
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    An Emancipated Voice: Flora Tristan and Utopian Allegory.Margaret Talbot - 1991 - Feminist Studies 17 (2):219.
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    (1 other version)Foreword.Margaret Farren - 2015 - International Journal for Transformative Research 2 (1).
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    Increments in Navajo conversation.Margaret Field - 2007 - In Noel Burton-Roberts, Pragmatics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 17--4.
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    An Open Letter to Certified Nursing Assistants: Lessons from a Life Well Lived.Margaret Fletcher - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (3):155-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:An Open Letter to Certified Nursing Assistants:Lessons from a Life Well Lived1Margaret FletcherI can't be sure what I want to say, or how to say it. Seeing as how I'm now eighty years old, and somewhat forgetful, I cease remembering the good old days.I have written a lot of short articles for the Nursing Assistant Program. My journey of life has been very interesting, very wonderful and fully blessed.My (...)
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  32. Larry May and Stacey Hoffman, eds., Collective Responsibility: Five Decades of Debate in Theoretical and Applied Ethics Reviewed by.Margaret Gilbert - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (4):168-170.
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    The author responds: More on social facts.Margaret Gilbert - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (3):233 – 244.
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    Philosophical Practice.Margaret Goord - 1998 - The Philosophers' Magazine 3:48-49.
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    Nationalist Arguments, Ambivalent Conclusions.Margaret Moore - 1999 - The Monist 82 (3):469-490.
    This paper examines three types of normative arguments that are put forward in defence of liberal nationalism.
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    Space, Time and Reciprocity.Margaret Morrison - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:187-195.
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    A Cruel but Ancient Subjugation?: Understanding Hume’s Attack on Slavery.Margaret Watkins - 2013 - Hume Studies 39 (1):103-121.
    This essay argues that Hume’s criticism of slavery in “Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations,” despite its contribution to the British Enlightenment’s anti-slavery movement, is not truly abolitionist in character. Hume’s aim was not to put an end to contemporary slave practices or forestall their expansion. Nonetheless, the criticism of slavery proves significant for reasons that transcend the demographic questions of the essay. It supports an argument that Hume develops throughout the Essays and Political Discourses. The conclusion of this argument (...)
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    Humean moral knowledge.Margaret Watkins - 2008 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 51 (6):581 – 602.
    I develop resources from Hume to account for moral knowledge in the qualified sense developed by Bernard Williams, according to which the proper application of thick ethical terms constitutes moral knowledge. By applying to moral discernment the criteria of the good aesthetic critic, as explained in Hume's “ Of the Standard of Taste ”, we can see how Humean moral knowledge might be possible. For each of these criteria, an analogous trait would contribute to moral discernment. These traits would enable (...)
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    Guest Editors' Introduction.Margaret A. McLaren & Joshua Mills-Knutsen - 2016 - Radical Philosophy Review 19 (2):289-296.
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    (1 other version)On the Institutionalized Rôle of Women and Character Formation.Margaret Mead - 1936 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 5 (1):69-75.
    L'article part du fait qui apparaît de plus en plus clairement dans la psychologie américaine moderne de la personnalité, qu’un certain type de domination de la mère dans la famille exerce une influence fâcheuse sur l’évolution psychique des garçons et des filles. L’auteur étudie les diverses interprétations, qu’on peut donner de ce fait.La première interprétation discutée est celle-ci : pour des raisons biologiques, l’amour naturel serait nécessaire à une évolution saine de l’enfant ; l’égoïsme de la mère exercerait une influence (...)
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    Ethical Grounding for a Profession of Hospital Chaplaincy.Margaret E. Mohrmann - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (6):18-23.
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    Foundations of a Theory of Territory.Margaret Moore - 2015 - In A Political Theory of Territory. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter sets out the main elements of the self-determination theory of territory. It argues that a ‘people’ has rights to jurisdictional authority over the geographical area that it legitimately occupies if and only if: a large majority of people are in a relationship with one another which is characterized by a shared political commitment to establish rules and practices of self-determination; they have the political capacity to establish and sustain institutions of political self-determination; and they possess an objective history (...)
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    Heartlands, Contested Areas, Secession, and Boundaries.Margaret Moore - 2015 - In A Political Theory of Territory. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter considers the problems of adjudicating between rival claims to territory, drawing boundaries around jurisdictional units, and creating institutional arrangements that embody the principles developed thus far. It explores the implications of the collective moral right of occupancy in establishing heartlands of groups and argues that these heartlands are useful to demarcate boundaries between self-determining peoples and territories. It suggests that neither democratic theory nor justice theory can be usefully applied to the issue of drawing boundaries. After considering questions (...)
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    Just‐Cause, Administrative Boundaries, and the Politics of Denial.Margaret Moore - 2001 - In The Ethics of Nationalism. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines the dominant conception of self‐determination in the decolonization period, and in much international law and practice, according to which self‐determination occurs within existing administrative units and there is civic integration within that territory. This chapter argues that this conception of self‐determination is only appropriate in a limited range of cases.
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    Reply.Margaret Moore - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  46. Unification Revisited: The Role of Dynamical Principles.Margaret Morrison - 2007 - Iyyun 56:295-312.
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    Change of Perspective in Ovid, Metamorphoses 12.11-23.Margaret Worsham Musgrove - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):267-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Change of Perspective in Ovid, Metamorphoses 12.11-23Margaret Worsham MusgroveIn the first of the trojan stories which dominate Metamorphoses books 12 and 13, Ovid recounts a well-known Homeric episode, the omen of the snake at Aulis; a snake climbs into a tree and eats a nestful of eight baby birds plus their mother. According to Calchas' interpretation, this omen symbolized the nine years the Greeks would besiege Troy before taking (...)
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    Gr nbaum and psychoanalysis.Margaret Nash - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (3):325 – 343.
    This paper argues that Adolf Gr nbaum's evaluation of the scientific status of psychoanalysis is marred by its failure to locate Freud's notion of natural science. Contrary to his claims, Griinbaum does not assess Freud's theory on Freud's own terms. The presuppositions that Griinbaum brings to the question of the scientific status of psychoanalysis are problematic and his criticisms and methodological restrictions may not be defensible when psychoanalysis is taken to develop methodologically out of medical science rather than out of (...)
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    The man without a penis: Libidinal economies that (re)cognize the hypernature of gender.Margaret Nash - 1992 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 18 (2):125-134.
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    Truth Commissions and Human Rights.Margaret Urban Walker - unknown
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